Monday, September 21, 2015

Summary : Explosive Growth in Asian Cities

In the article “Explosive Growth in Asian Cities: Bright Ideas to Seize the Urban Moment”, Khanna (2015) reports that Asian cities have become the centre of the world’s urbanisation trend within the past decade. The author observes that these cities are experiencing a population influx, and reactive policies to population growth and global warming are becoming incompetent. Khanna states that South-east Asian cities are assuming control with capable governments, enterprising citizens and local infrastructure innovation. She further discusses that these megacities’ enormous size can create complicated challenges for local governments when delivering basic necessities; they need to become productive to build a deep-rooted generative legacy on urban productivity. She concludes that South-east Asian cities are proving that their potential is greater than the difficulties they face.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Radhi

    Nice summary!
    I see a great use of reporting verbs with a nice conclusion at the end.

    Firstly, I found the phrase 'generative legacy' very difficult to understand without any context or reference. I only understood what it meant after reading the article.

    Secondly, I find the below interesting,
    The sentence “… and reactive policies to population growth and global warming are becoming incompetent.”
    In my opinion, the word incompetent does not seem to be the right choice of words.

    Lastly, great summary, keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your reader's response!

    All the best! Hurrah!
